Shinichi Imai
Speaker Lineup Like No Other.
Inspiration Unlimited.

Managing Director
TEPCO Power Grid, Japan
April 2018 – present; Managing Director, TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.
- Leading international business development
July 2014 – March 2018; Head of Power System Operation Department of TEPCO Power Grid
- Lead relations with regulator and industry including retail, generation, demand response aggregator and global vendors to develop policy, scheme, market design and related IT/OT system for future balancing market
- Lead business operation of electric power network including the least cost generation operation, power system security, coordination of scheduled outages, monitoring & switching, design & standardization of protection, control system & SCADA, and restoration for unscheduled outage
April 2013 -June 2014; Executive Vice President, THE power grid solution inc., joint venture between Hitachi and TEPCO
- Lead marketing activities in a consultancy service firm for clients to seek smart grid related business opportunities
- Developed new business opportunities in the area of transmission & distribution, energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy and energy trading which is worth 1MUSD
July 2010 -March 2013; General Manager, Asset Management of T&D Department, Chiba Branch Office at Tokyo Electric Power Company
July 2005 -July 2010; Strategy for transmission & distribution business innovation at Tokyo Electric Power Company
- Benchmarking study for transmission & distribution business innovation in western countries
- Organized executive exchanges with foreign power utilities including New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo and Osaka and Transmission System Operators and Independent System Operators including US-PJM, US-MISO, RTE France, National Grid UK, Italy Terna, State Grid of China Cooperation, India, Russia, Brazil, Korea KPX and TEPCO
- Run smart substation R&D project as project manager
- Official member of international standard developing activities of IEC and IEEE WG member of METI R&D project on international standardization of energy system of next generation
- Run smart substation project for three years to achieve 60% cost reduction
- Proposed new working group on Undervoltage Load Shedding Protection in IEEE Power System Relaying committee and finish the report as vice chair
May 2003 -July 2005; Manager, General training center at Tokyo Electric Power Company
- Specially appointed as a project leader by TEPCO CEO to launch internal Management Of Technology training program
- Made presentation on transmission voltage and reactive management practices for August 14th 2003 US-Canada outage task force. Invited as a presenter by US-MISO to make presentation on transmission voltage and reactive management practices. Made presentation on transmission voltage and reactive management practices for US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
October 1995 -May 2003 (Senior Engineer – Group Manager); Power system protection engineering group at Tokyo electric power company
- Development of transmission protection and wide area protection, and operating policy & rule making
- Power network analysis, Analysis and solution for power quality problem
- Interconnection rule making for non-utility generation and renewable energy
- Consulting service for TNB, Malaysia about power system protection development, design, planning and operation
October 1991 -September 1992; Dispatcher, Tokyo bulk power system control center at Tokyo Electric Power Company
April 1989 -September 1991; Engineer, Tokatsu field office, Chiba branch office at Tokyo Electric Power Company
Registered Professional Engineer, Electrical (State of California, 2002)